Create your website yourself
Text and pictures of your choice
Express your ideas, sell your products
Many people believe they will never be able to build up a website with their own hands. This is not how things should be looked upon: everybody can design their own site, including pictures and text in any position and with any format they wish, with no need to purchase expensive commercial programs nor complex content management systems. It is just a matter of using a few simple code chunks, freely available application software and a bit of imagination... and everything becomes easy! Read more
Design your site the way you like. Copy and paste predefined code chunks, change them and place text and picture where you wish. By following this method you will get the web effects you require for all your communication and advertising needs.
You define fonts and colors
When you build up your website yourself, you can change it at any time, with no need to ask any external service. You will be able to include text blocks, pictures and videos, enriching your site with your content any time and any way. Your website, your personal showcase.
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